Random, YES!
We have all seen the various hopes stirring up from skinz.org over the past years, unfortunately all have ended with disastrous let-downs. We have laughed with the Turkey, and we have cried with it as well. It’s no secret that skinz.org was made what it was because of dedication, blood, and tears.

Well friends, another cycle is about to begin, and while you may dismiss this as another soon-to-be let-down, I urge you to reconsider. This time, the future of skiz.org lies majorly in YOUR hands. The colors are back, and new features are being unveiled at a rapid pace. With new, partial owner and programmer geekpipe(Kevin) onboard, things are moving swiftly. Though Kevin is relatively new to the skinning scene, back-up from expert veterans like Mr. Snowman, as well as fresh new flesh will be important in keeping things run smooth and fast. I’ve spoken with geekpipe a few times and, unlike politicians, he is as eager to listen as he is eager to implement what he hears.

I urge you to stop over at www.skinz.org again, and just have a look at what’s going on, take a minute to say hi and decide what is missing. If there is anything at all you wish to see implemented at skinz.org, whether it be old features for good times sake (please, request the Turky!) or new innovative ideas, please speak up. He is willing to do whatever it will take to make people feal the same love they fealt years ago by typing in those 5 letters

You can contact Kevin at webmaster@skinz.org, chat with him via aim: geekpipe, or leave a message here! Help re-form Skinz.org!
on Apr 07, 2003
MadIce hops over and is investigates

Success guys...
on Apr 07, 2003

The problem isn't features or content, it is user-confidence. It already has that 'please click my ads' feel. I have visited skinz a couple of times in the recent past, and it feels like instead of going back the the old skinz, it started back at the efront era; i.e. the beginning of the end.

During the Efront era, and after, many of us would have much rather seen the site fall back to an affordable level of operation instead of straining for ways to pay for its unstoppable growth. I think the same could be said now. Visible efforts to make the site run affordably would inspire more confidence than visible efforts to raise money.

If it felt like the old skinz, and we could count on it being there relatively permanently, I don't there would be any way you could hamstring it that would spoil it for those who miss it. Limit downloads, operating hours, force membership for excessive downloads, whatever, there is an eager user-base that would hang in there, I think. I guess I am saying that a vibe of frugality would inspire more confidence than one of marketability.

What is gonna hurt ya with the old users, i think, is the feeling that if the money isn't made, the site, along with our uploads and relations there, are in jeopardy. We've been through that. It sucked. We'd like to know that no matter what it would live on, even if it had to be vastly crippled. This string, even, implies an uncertain fate.

I wish you guys all the best. It is a hard thing you have chosen to do.
on Apr 08, 2003
I hope no one thinks my post too uppity. Reading it again, I think it might seem so.

As I said, I wish skinz the best, and hope that its owners insist on its continued existence, even if it is at a drastically reduced level of operation. That kind of commitment would rally a great deal of support, imho.
on Apr 08, 2003
Aside from what Baker says, the trouble is this:

1. ArtUproar
2. Customize
3. DeskMod
4. DeviantArt
5. SkinBase
6. SkinEdge
7. Skinz
8. VelocityArt
9. WinCustomize

That's way too many sites for me to keep track off. Therefore, I stick to ye olde trsuteworthy ones.