Random, YES!
Published on April 30, 2003 By mooshoo In WinCustomize Talk
Today I returned to my house eager to listen to Reliant K's new CD (yeah... I know... Reliant K is 'lame' but still I like some of their stuff) only to find they have followed the popular trend of preventing computer's ability to play CD's. This pissed me off to say the least. I go out and buy your cd and that's how you re-pay me? I don't have a decent sound system besides my computer, so .

I know there are ways to get around this 'protection' but I haven't a clue what they are... perhaps special media players (or maybe it takes some intense hacking, I don't know). Anyone had luck with ways to listen to locked CD's on their computers? (maybe it will even be 'on-site-topic' and be skinable
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on May 02, 2003
legally it's mine to play, and play it I will, just not their way

Since there's no way to trace it, then ripping (I don't distribute) is a prefect crime, so viva la revolution! fnck them, and I'll enjoy my mp3 music I supported

Besides, the whole copyrigth thing would be an American thing, so if I can find an drop-box internationally i"m even legal (no international copyright), but since I bought the artist, no judge would find that as guilty even if they did trace it, ADN cared enough to do anythign about it... pity it's not criminal law though, a jury would be even easier to win
on May 02, 2003
Elfkura laughs

I can just hear you saying that out loud.

Elfkura remembers talk in the van

Elfkura laughs even harder
on May 02, 2003
UHRBid: excuse me, but copyright is not an American concept. Actually, the US of A is a late comer in the international Berne convention (1989).

Elfie: are we supposed to go wow and admire China?
on May 02, 2003
UHRBid...I'm not going to bother to debate exactly the same issue every other week but suffice it to sa it is not an 'American thing'...it is an International 'thing'.

You did NOT 'buy the artist'...you bought the RIGHT to play a CD of the artist's music...that is all.

The fact no-one has challenged your activities [yet] does not therefore make them legal.
on May 02, 2003
actualy, I've just spent part of my morning reading the DMCA, and I don't see how ripping to mp3 is illegal (at least in the US).

"circumvention of technological measures used to protect copyrighted works, and [...] tampering with the integrity of copyright management information."
--6th paragraph under Title I

the works are remaining copyrighted and protected, I just extended the protection to include works ripped by me onto my computer...

oh yeah, a co-worker trumped my with the international copyright thing... He's claiming the UCC and WIPO are international law. They aren't. They're an ATTEMPT. Since many nations around the world aren't members, they aren't going to have the power to do anything everywhere.

MP3s are illegal just like my tape recorder, minidisc, and VCR, all of which excel at ripping copyrighted works for me
on May 02, 2003
looks like 179 members in wipo (berne people)
on May 02, 2003
oops.... that did post... ah well

Jafo, you don't need to debate me, I won't change no more than I expect you would
on May 02, 2003
Watch your language, thankyou.
on May 02, 2003
The difference is that I, too rip CDs to MP3s for listening on my comp...saves wear and tear on the CDRom drive....BUT I know that it is a copyright issue.
Others claim it is not, and they are wrong.
Simple as thet.
on May 02, 2003
no paxx, but when a member come onto the site in search of help to be able to listen to his cd (which he had BOUGHT) on his cd player, and Jafo's pathetic comments about "that's related to warez, take it off the site" helped him none.

When I've spent money to buy something so I can enjoy it for my personal use, I would be pretty damn pissed if I can't. I'm sorry if some PEOPLE think that copyright is EVERYTHING. It's not. When I get cheated out of a product I bought, I would be pretty damn mad. Where the hell does copyright play into this? Now I have to depend on these companies to provide me with "legitimate hardware" so I can spend more of my father's hard earned money?
on May 02, 2003
I'm not going to argue the legality or it (I don't speak legal-ese well enough) past this. I just don't care if it's illegal or not. If I'm breaking the law, I don't care; If I'm not, then I don't care either.

*innocent look*... why should aI watch my language, I don't see anything
on May 02, 2003
Elfie, I bought a car, and I should be able to drive it how I want it.
I am pretty darn pissed that I can't run through red lights if I want to, or drive at 200 mph, or even drive while drunk if it pleases me.
on May 02, 2003
Glad I'm now 'pathetic', Elfkura.

Good to see I'm improving...

UHRBid...only because I removed that post...
on May 02, 2003
Listening to my CD is harming no one. Driving recklessly on the road (even if you want to, it's your choice) endangers the lives around you plus yourself. That is a violation of other people's rights. If I have paid my respects and I just want to sit back, read, and enjoy some music... I'm not violating anyone's rights. I'm sorry the difference could not be applicable.
on May 02, 2003
When I buy a CD I want to be able to put the tracks on my computer so as to facilitate customized playlists. I'm not going to give it to anyone. Is that wrong? Copy protected CD's prevent me from doing that. It's still for my own personal use. What is the harm?

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