Random, YES!
Published on April 30, 2003 By mooshoo In WinCustomize Talk
Today I returned to my house eager to listen to Reliant K's new CD (yeah... I know... Reliant K is 'lame' but still I like some of their stuff) only to find they have followed the popular trend of preventing computer's ability to play CD's. This pissed me off to say the least. I go out and buy your cd and that's how you re-pay me? I don't have a decent sound system besides my computer, so .

I know there are ways to get around this 'protection' but I haven't a clue what they are... perhaps special media players (or maybe it takes some intense hacking, I don't know). Anyone had luck with ways to listen to locked CD's on their computers? (maybe it will even be 'on-site-topic' and be skinable
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on Apr 30, 2003
You'll probably find that the protection is done at a hardware level rather than through software. I could be wrong though.
on Apr 30, 2003
One of mine worked in the DVD drive
on Apr 30, 2003
http://www.thetartan.org/97/16/scienceandtechnology/2914.asp might be helpful. It use to be if you recorded a CD on your computer, you couldn't play it in the car, home stereo system, etc. and there was a work around (sorry, just can't remember what it was). Maybe if someone comes up with it you can do the reverse and get it to play. I have to say I agree with grayhaze that it's a hardware issue... I just can't imagine that they would lock out computer CD players, but as in everything else..who knows...........

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on Apr 30, 2003

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on Apr 30, 2003
Just remember, guys...no links to methods of voiding copy protection.
No different to linking to warez...
on Apr 30, 2003
Good point wise one
on Apr 30, 2003
#5 by Jafo - 4/30/2003 4:17:26 PM
Just remember, guys...no links to methods of voiding copy protection.
No different to linking to warez...

What if I say something involving a marker? A simple search wouldn't hurt mooshoo .
on Apr 30, 2003
oh yes... I think I've heard about these new markers you speak of now that you mention it
interesting article, too, thanks for the help

(leave it to jafo to ruin the fun )
on Apr 30, 2003
I'm not trying to ruin the fun...it's just that issues of copy protection are understandably 'sensitive' here, when you consider the problems that both Stardock and other program makers encounter with warez, and each and every artist and skinner faces with 'ripping', etc...

If you need to discuss which marker pen is best, and how to use it, it'd be best done off-site.
BTW...that 'method' probably doesn't work with all CD protections, as various vers are used...
on Apr 30, 2003
aww.. I was just kidding jafo, what would we be without you?

and yeah I don't think I'm going to risk anything that might end up damaging the product in the end.
on Apr 30, 2003
Did the cd state on the outside of the jewl case that it couldn't be played in a pc cd-rom drive?
on Apr 30, 2003
Sure, there're always ways to get around it. Read up on patching your Hardware. Read up on it though, and make sure you know what you're doing. If you break the drive in any way while patching it, the warrantly on it voids.

Oh, and if you're asking Jafo on "can I talk about it by side-stepping?" The answer is no. It should be written big, bold, and black on the site somewhere so people can see, but it's not, so...

Don't bring controversial topics here by yourself. You'll get the prep talk.
on Apr 30, 2003
This may not be what you are looking for but if you have a CD player (not PC but stereo system) with audio outs, run them into your PC sound inputs with a patchcord.
on May 01, 2003
Just Think about it, where would these music decision makers (you know the ones that put this protection on them) be if it wasn't for us people buying their cd's, they wouldn't be in bussiness. I have in the past bought upward of 30 music cd's a year, I'm very much into music of any kind and I feel that's a lot of money in their pocket. granted not enough to keep the industry afloat but a lot. Well this year I got my self a good sound card, a couple monster patch cords to tap into my stereo system and when I hear a song I like, I call the radio station make a request to hear it played (most times they love to play requests)and record it off the radio and at that point it's digital, any way my point is this if we the little people boycotted the music industry and not buy their CD's they would rethink their stratagy real fast.

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on May 01, 2003
Roger...the licence the radio station is granted to publicly broadcast a song does not include or extend to its subsequent recording. That is outside the scope of the station's licence and therefore any issue of copyright infraction is down to you, personally.

It's OK to be the 'little people', just don't encumber yourself with 'little minded' thinking...
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