Random, YES!
Published on April 30, 2003 By mooshoo In WinCustomize Talk
Today I returned to my house eager to listen to Reliant K's new CD (yeah... I know... Reliant K is 'lame' but still I like some of their stuff) only to find they have followed the popular trend of preventing computer's ability to play CD's. This pissed me off to say the least. I go out and buy your cd and that's how you re-pay me? I don't have a decent sound system besides my computer, so .

I know there are ways to get around this 'protection' but I haven't a clue what they are... perhaps special media players (or maybe it takes some intense hacking, I don't know). Anyone had luck with ways to listen to locked CD's on their computers? (maybe it will even be 'on-site-topic' and be skinable
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on May 02, 2003
I'll use the 'pathetic' argument that the artist's property rights are being violated...
on May 02, 2003
in the strictest of senses, it's is considered illegal in most major countries.

but if you want to look on the bright side, you'll get criticized for it, but no one actually does anything
on May 02, 2003
Yes...#47 is the 'point' of it all...
on May 02, 2003
jafo, I've seen that 'bryceworld' wallpaper you made... it violated itself plenty enough
on May 02, 2003
on May 02, 2003
@ the violations

paxx, your car similie was a point well taken, but I don't think it's similar enough.

-running through a red light or going 200 endangers other people, where playing a cd in a personal device doesn't endanger anyone at all.

It's just too bad that bands must take these measures. You're exactly right in the fact tat what it's really doing is taking more money from the badns themself and sending it off to these 'security' techniques... it also just pisses guys off

I know I can't completely blame the band for what happened... but I can't help but be angry at them and next time I'll know better than to buy their cd, because my money can be better spent where I won't be restricted.
on May 02, 2003
I dont understand why copy protection is an issue for music at least - correct me if im wrong but music is meant to be heard - therefore its has to be decoded somewhere along the line, or all we would hear is kasjfhdo qie;qilvuq3bpbrcq;3irhbq;iwehuvgqp8i3ghvrqijhcqleqiwqpciw;bdeflqkwrb

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